As a Macy's clearance rack is to me; so is Home Depot to my Brayden. Spencer is building some new movie shelves so when he asked Brayden on Friday if he wanted to go get the wood with him on Saturday, he could hardly sleep. So yesterday he asked me when it was going to be time to go and this is how the conversation went.
"In a while babe. You excited?
""Yes. You want to know what the best part about Home Depot is?"
"Sure do". I say.
"The very huge doors at the front. I mean, how do they make doors that tall? They must have a very very huge motor on them. You know what my favorite part about Home Depot is?"
"Tell me pal."
The have very huge rows of all kinds of wood and tools and paint. You get to buy some stuff from the Home Depot guys and then.. listen to this part Mom.. it's the best. You buy all the wood you need and then you get to bring it home and BUILD STUFF!"
"That is very cool Brayden. Is your Daddy the best builder in the whole world?"
"No. I am because last week I built a huge mansion house out of my soft blocks like the one I'm going to build for you and Dad when I get bigger."
Let's just say I'm banking on that one! Thanks Brayden for being the coolest six year old out there. Love ya big guy.
P.S. Brayden lost his front tooth on Thursday. I think it's adorable when that happens. Keep smiling Bradyen Boy.
Macey's clearance mean Olive Garden, don't you!
Great post!!! Gotta love Sunday night blogging...and losing those front teeth! Adorable!
PS, make sure he puts some spare bedrooms in that mansion!
how cute
Hey (Elder Earley here)
I LOVE this post about Braden, (my family still remembers him from when we came out to visit!
Not to get him excited or anything, but I have been working for a "tool store" in Orem for the last 2 years...
tell the kids hi for me!
Leave it to this great kid to make our day!!! What a great mind and imagination!
What WILL he come up with next!! What a great mind and imagination not to mention his HUMONGOUS heart! Love you Brayden!!!!!!!!!!!!
Braden sounds like a terrific kid! My dad was a cabinet maker and an electrician, so I grew up loving tools and thinking EVERY dad could make or fix EVERYTHING! Go for it, Braden!
And much love to you and all of yours, Kim! I remember Bryan as a little guy when we went to Amber's reception... Haven't seen any of you since, but it wonderful to see to see your family and feel the love that shines through your posts! - with love, from Dale & Mary Jones
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